Ronin First Responder/Force Protection

The U.S military defines Force Protection as preventive measures taken to mitigate hostile actions against Defense Department personnel (including family members), resources, facilities and critical information. The concept of Force Protection was born in response to the terrorist bombing of Marine Barracks in Beirut Lebanon in 1983. The military recognized the Forces in the region had become complacent and service members were vulnerable to unconventional terrorist attacks. Force Protection protocols and procedures were established to mitigate unconventional threats to service members and their families when traveling and operating abroad. A key distinguishing factor of Force Protection is the combination Overt and Covert security and protective measures strategically coordinated to avoid predictability.

Ronin R.E.A.C.T Principles of Force Protection

To train RSG Force Multipliers to be proficient in the fundamentals of Force Protection Security, Emergency Response, Close protection. It is preferable for students to have completed Module A and B but not required. Ronin Operators will be trained to use critical thinking to make and carry out decisions that will enhance the overall security and well being of the Force.


R- Respond with quality resources

Threats to persons or property, Trauma care (Medical evac) and physical security of personnel, facilities and critical information.

E- Establish Nature of event 

Evaluate situations to determine what tactics to deploy based on the nature of the event ie, Medical emergency,Natural Disaster, Terrorist attack or direct threats to staff and or facilities. Activate Incident Command system if necessary.

A- Assess Security and Injuries

Evaluate and redeploy security resources as needed. Medical evaluation of casualties. Assess logistical resources.

C- Casualty Care

Execute measures to promote, improve and conserve the physical, mental and emotional well being of Force personnel. Coordinate medical transfer of casualties in need of definitive care.

T- Tactical/Situation awareness

Maintain Security, gather and evaluate intelligence. Identify threats and customize solutions.

The Ronin Force Multiplier must be highly proficient in the various skill sets of Force Protection. The Multiplier must train without end in that regard. To apply dynamic skill sets to any threat/emergency situation according to time and circumstances. The Ronin operator is a master of SECURITY, EMERGENCY RESPONSE, SELF DEFENSE.

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